Take A Peck Is Now Widgetized

If you look at the sidebar on your right under "Subscribe to this" you will see a new addition--a button that lets you add my blog as a widget to many different services, such as Facebook, MySpace, Google, your own blog, and/or others. So, if you're already using Facebook all the time, why not go ahead and add my blog as a widget there. That way, you don't have to even leave Facebook to get updates. (If you do this, it shows up under "Posted Items").

Widgets are poised to revolutionize the web experience (and eventually they will be popular on cell phones, too. Alltel's LG AX8600 comes with Celltop, an application that utilizes widgets and won CTIA's Best in Show Award.) Essentially, widgets are any third party application that can be embedded in a webpage, or downloaded and kept on someone's desktop. There are so many possibilities here it's hard to just describe a few. But I'll try anyways.

A bar or restaurant could offer people widgets that let them keep up with the nightly drink and food specials. Instead of having to call or visit the restaurant's website, people would get automatic updates through widgets. You might say people who won't even visit a website to get a special are extremely lazy, but why shouldn't a business make it easier for people to find out about them?

Grocery stores can advertise their specials and discounts by taking advantage widgets (They could even save money on printing costs and reduce the amount of hard copies of coupons). Media companies can offer video snippets as samples to get people interested in their shows. Individuals can use widgets to expand their spheres of influence and reach more people. To echo, my last post about Twitter opportunities, the possibilities are endless.

This blog was widgetized using Widgetbox.